Lined up for battle:
Lady Genevieve, her Cursed Sister, & Drippy the Terrorgheist |
The Shambling Masses next to a graveyard |
The Vanguard didn't last long... |
My opponent ran a blocky Skaven army with a penchant for weapons teams (which almost did me in by the end of Turn 1!), the usual tricks to prevent flying were a royal pain in my a**e, and Skaven magical shooting tore big chunks out of my army - the Hexwraiths, Cairn Wraiths, Dire Wolves and a Spirit Host were all hammered in turns 1 and 2, luckily my opponents fear of Hexwraiths let the Terrorgheist survive most of the game.
It was a bloody encounter, I took a pasting in the first couple of turns, but once the Vamp got into combat and the 'gheist got in behind his lines, I made my come-back.
In the end it was a draw (I shaded it by around 200pts, not enough for a minor victory).
- Skaven Slaves passing every terror test and even wounding the 'gheist.
- 3 Rat ogres bouncing off my skeletons and getting run down
- Wrecking a massive Stormvermin unit inc. Grey Seer & BSB with only 3 Crypt Horrors and the Vamp Lord
- Wind of Death - that spell is brutal
- Terrorgheist screaming a Warp Lightning Cannon to death
- Misreading the rules on Invocation and failing to raise anything like enough casualties back
- Seeing my L1 vamp turned into a toad by the hex scroll
- Not rolling up Vanhels
- Having to remove the Hexwraiths before they even moved
- Read the spells properly
- Don't split deployment
- Try and take fewer, larger units - need to go first in the face of weapons teams.
Next up, High Elves, the same HE that I tabled last week with Hirad's Warrior of Chaos.... I suspect not so easy with Vamps, especially as he's bringing his SOS list...
Looking good! Is Genevieve THE Genevieve?
I love the descriptions of the game. I love the story every game of WFB tells, with units unexpectedly holding or running, monsters bouncing from infantry etc. Tomorrow I'm starting to teach a friend to paint and will be enthusing about the greatness of Warhammer to her, so this is good inspiration! #NoAoS
Oh, it's Matt Charman by the way!
The slaves were hilarious - passing fear and terror tests like nothing, while his clanrats ran anytime they had the option and his rat ogres spent 5 turns scratching their arses. I didn't read invocation properly, so was a lot less effective at raising troops than I should have been. A lot of fun though.
Limited as his shooting was, with it all being magical, it hurt!
And aye, inspired by THE Genevieve and her Bretonnian heritage ☺
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