Friday, 26 February 2016

Dead Rising...

The Mission: Assemble and paint 2400pt fun list for my first ever Tournament
The "Dead"-line: End of March 2016
The Army: Vampire Counts (maybe run as Undead Legions)
Roughly the list will be picked from (Blue = Painted, Orange = Assembled, Red = unbuilt):

Neferata Mortarch (model, fielded as Vamp Lord on Abyssal)
3-4 Necromancers (b)
2-3 loose Vamps (1 Strigoi, 1 Mounted, 1 foot (sub for Nefereta on foot), 1 Strigoi)
Mounted Wight BSB (conversion required)
Krell/Wight King
Coven Throne/Mortis Engine (if I get it built)

30 Skeletons - Swords
35 Skeletons - Spears
50ish Zombies (25 ready, 25 undercoated)
16 Dire wolves (5 ready, 11 undercoated) 
30 Ghouls 
30 Ghouls

Corpse cart
3 Spirit hosts
Crypt Horrors (the gorgeous Forgeworld Skinwolves)
Black Knights
Fell Bats

Cairn Wraiths & Banshee (+ 2 assembled)
Corpse cart 


Some initial progress shots below:

Vamp lord, Necro, Wraiths and Spirit Hosts
Lady Genevieve du Sang, Necro, Wraiths and Spirit Hosts
Crypt Ghouls
Dire wolves and Corpse Cart
Dogs and in-progress Cart

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