Ok, the events of last year threw us all - who'd have thought GW would actually can the Old World in its entirety and follow through on it's End Times premise?! But so much for that, luckily for me, the guys I play with decided to continue the Old World timeline into the Age of Rebuilding. In this timeline Hirad & the now-daemonic Drak'Nyah rule the Wastes alongside Dave (maybe now Matt's) Nurgle lord....
What did this mean? Well clearly the old model ranges aren't going to last. Despite GW releasing Warscrolls and telling us that every model would have a home in the new realms of Age of Sigmar, we've already seen the death of the Tomb Kings, and much of the old Warriors of Chaos range. So what was my response? Somewhat foolishly perhaps, I panic-bought and stockpiled plastic sprues like they were canned food in a zombie apocalypse... At the last count, I can now build and eventually field: Warrior of Chaos (as if I needed more), Empire/Bretonnia/Kislev survivors, Dark Elves, Skaven, Dwarfs, Night Goblins, and Vampire Counts. Add that to my brother's High Elves, Tomb Kings, and Bretonnians, and I think we've saved a fair chunk of the Old World for posterity. I couldn't stretch to Wood Elves (a shame), Savage Orcs (not so fussed really), but after some heavy investment, I've armies to last a lifetime.
In between all this, I moved north of the wall - a return home of sorts, but that put a spanner in the regular gaming until I came across Stirling Wargamers. The local club has become a tough proving ground for Hirad's forces - 3 defeats from 4 games, although the one victory was a glorious affair... Hobby-wise, I lost my Chaos-mojo and found it pretty hard to get any painting or building done but that doesn't mean no hobbying... dun-dun-duuuuunnnnn (Big Reveal)
That's right, 2016 begins the Vampire Counts proper - and I've agreed to go into 2 tournaments in the next month or 2, forcing me to get 2400pts (plus summoning units) completed in the next month (I've worked solidly on this since around Christmas)... Pics to follow
1 comment:
I PROMISE to have The Siege of Altdorf written soon!
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