Tuesday, 19 April 2016

A Storm receding...

So, it's been a couple of days since Storm Over Stirling 2016, and what to report? 

Lady Genevieve put in an award-winning performance, well, winning might not be quite right... After missing out on the Wooden Spoon at Fall of the Old World 2 by a point, the sheer un-competitiveness of my army was somewhat brutally exposed in the larger field of SOS. I scraped 14 points from 3 games (10 of those for getting my list in on time & voting for best army!), if I want to be competitive, I either need to drop the Abyssal, put in another Terrorgheist, or go full blender-lord, but none of these appeal to me, so I'll stick to my guns and run my list the way I like to - after all, it's about having fun!

Lined up for Best Army voting once more
My opponents on the day were John's Undead (another Vamp on Abyssal, and dual Terrorgheist set up, lost 20-1), Chris M's Dwarfs (Anvil of Doooooooom, lost 18-2 but it felt closer), and lastly Graham's Dark Elves (Mallus blender bus, another 20-1 drubbing). While I killed more this time than I did at Fall, I was crippled by the tourney bonuses (each game I lost 400pts on fortitude for Blood & Glory, and at least 300pts for table quarters), should have brought more banners! I do think I'm getting better with the Vamps, but my list is hamstrung in too many places by my own desire to run certain models.

It's not all 'bad' news though...

Cue the trumpets.... bum, parrarumpum-pum, puuuuuuummmm... I won the Best Army vote in only my 2nd competitive outing...

Boom first competitive awards...
I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty chuffed with this. While I like to game, painting and converting is the big draw for me - so to have my army voted top in a field of nearly 30 is some pretty good validation. I know I'm not a hard gamer, and when I started the VC project, I just wanted to get a few votes for my painting and have a bit of fun playing guys I'd not met before. Massive thanks to Kromlech EU for sponsoring, and to all the guys that voted for my army - made for a fine end to the day!

My VC will probably go on the back burner for a wee while now - summer is on the horizon and I feel like painting something lighter (also I need to stop buying up things for them on ebay!). I've still got about 2000pts to build and paint for them, but that's for picking up again nearer Hallowe'en. For the summer, I'm thinking Empire, and some Malifaux or Zombicide for gaming with Ash and a change of painting style... 

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