Thursday, 24 March 2016

Vampire Counts: Characters

This first of my more detailed pics, and some short biographies of the key dramatis personae....

Genevieve du Sang (Neferata)

Matriarch of the du Sang Family, Genevieve was responsible for the corruption of this once-proud House of Bretonnia. She is also behind the insidious rise of Deiter Kriersdorf from hedge wizard to Master Necromancer.

Erasmus Gruber, Marie du Sang (Isabella von Carstein), & Deiter Kriersdorf

Marie soon followed her sister into the blood curse, proving to be an adept student of both combat and magicks. She formed a close bond with Kriersdorf and his apprentice, Gruber, raising countless dead warriors to the family's cause.

Vorash &Vorysh, the Brothers in Blood

No-one remembers the arrival of the Strigoi princes, but the horde of ghouls that followed would not be forgotten. Little more than savage beasts, the Du Sang family keeps their blood cousins as a powerful pair of weapons to be unleashed on their foes - either together or individually.

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