After a marathon spray session last weekend (I plowed through 3 cans of Chaos Black and a can of Corax White), all the goblins & squigs are undercoated. A colour scheme for the Gobbos in decided upon, and the first 20 are complete.... It's my curse that my painting technique is not really suited to horde armies, as much as I love them (although saying that, I never manage to play them that well anyway - Winter War Wooden Spoon, you will be mine...).
Anyway, there's a couple of fun conversions in this army that I'm looking forward to painting up, but for now - here's some goblins!
A break from the traditional Night Goblin black, but I think they pull it off with panache - and in an homage to the 90s, I've got the traditional red spear and yellow moon iconography updated in a muted style.
That's just 20, there's another 150 or so to, including squigs, snots, and spiders... wish me luck!