Monday, 29 August 2016


While I reached a decision on my army for Winter War (Night Goblins), I'm lacking in motivation to paint the Great Green Horde just yet... so here's a few pics of what's on the workbench right now!

Dr. Grimwell and his motley crew, so very close to being finished

The not-so-mighty Fishermen - 3 games, not even a goal yet... Hopefully they'll play better with a finished paint job and a bit more practice!

Monday, 22 August 2016

A quick update...

So it's been a wee while since my last update - the Neverborn are finished & the Guild are all but the finishing details done (pics to follow soon as I remember!). While no Malifaux has been played, there are 2 crews to be built as I got a little carried away with buying up stuff. Mei Feng & Seamus's crews are in various stages of building & painting.

On the selling front, I've successfully cleared out the Dark Eldar as well, only a handful of Eldar remain as a painting project, along side the Guard (who may see action in an strictly non-competitive way if there's ever a casual game at the club!).

In my quest to win a 3rd Best Army award of the year, I've foolishly decided to build a 3rd army - Skarsnik's Night Goblins are on the table - about half built and some awful old paint jobs to be re-done in the next 2 months before DWARF's Winter War - wish me luck dear readers!

....oh, amd do hassle me for photos of the Malifaux bits before I drown in a see of goblin green!